Gauthami has completed her Master of Veterinary Science in Physiology (M.V. Sc.) and Bachelors in Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) at the College of Veterinary Science, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, AP, India.
The story of how Gauthami came to be here with us in Australia is an interesting one. She had always been passionate about neuroscience, and loved dogs, including her family's German Shepherd, Buffy. When her husband, Ramana, found work in Australia, Gauthami started to look for roles here, and in May 2004 visited the Faculty of Veterinary Science here at the University of Sydney. She met a few potential supervisors, including Rosanne Taylor, who had a project looking at canine fucosidosis in Springer Spaniels. With such a good match for her interests, Gauthami was inspired to work on this project, and the rest is history.
Gauthami will be writing for us again soon to tell us more about living and practicing veterinary science in India. Here is her profile:
I was born... in Hyderabad, the most populous city of Andhra Pradesh which is the southern state of India.
At school I... was keen on becoming an Engineer as I was strong in Maths.
My first relationship... ended in marrying Ramana and we are blessed with 2 beautiful children.
Friends say I... am a naughty nut! "but now no more"
If I wasn't me I'd like to be... an Engineer.
At the moment I'm reading... only books related neuroscience as I am writing up my work.
My worst job was... while working as Vet in a rural area, I had to attend janmabhoomi where I was forced to attend meetings with politicians and villagers to resolve issues not relevant to my job profile.
At the moment I'm working... intra-thecal enzyme replacement therapy in canine fucosidosis
... which is interesting because... it gives encouraging information to parents whose children suffering with fucosidosis too.
Here is some additional information about the "genetics" of this condition that was written by our Genetic Counselor and other genetic professionals: I hope it helps. Thanks, AccessDNA